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Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam Order, 2001

  • 1A: Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam Order, 2001 (English)

    An Order to establish and incorporate the Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam.

  • 1B: Perintah Pihak Berkuasa Industri Teknologi Info-komunikasi Negara Brunei Darussalam, 2001 (Malay)

    Suatu Perintah untuk menubuhkan dan memperbadankan Pihak Berkuasa Industri Teknologi Info-komunikasi Negara Brunei Darussalam.

  • 1.1: Notification under Section 1(1) – Commencement date as 1 January 2003

    A Notification that provides 1 January 2003 as the date on which the AITI Order is to commence.

  • 1.2: AITI (Amendment) Order, 2003 (S 35/2003) – Appointment of Chairman and Members under the First Schedule

    An amendment to delete and substitute a new paragraph relating to the appointment of Chairman and Members under the First Schedule of AITI Order 2001.

  • 1.3: AITI (Amendment) Order, 2003 (S13/2003) – Accounts of Authority under the Third Schedule

    An Amendment to the Third Schedule of the AITI Order pertaining to a repeal of paragraphs 3 and 4 and substitution of a new paragraph 3 regarding the accounts of the Authority.

Telecommunications Order, 2001

  • 2A: Telecommunications Order, 2001 (English)

    An Order to provide for the operation and provision of telecommunication systems and services in Brunei Darussalam, and for matters connected therewith.

  • 2B: Perintah Telekomunikasi, 2001 (Malay)

    Suatu Perintah untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi pengendalian dan pembekalan system dan perkhidmatan telekomunikasi di Negara Brunei Darussalam, dan bagi perkara-perkara yang berhubung dengannya.

  • 2.2: Notification under Section 1(1) – Commencement date as 1 April 2006

    A Notification under Section 1(1) that provides 1 April 2006 as the commencement date for the Telecommunication Order, 2001.

  • 2.3A: Telecommunications (Radio-communication) Regulations, 2013

    Regulations prescribing radio frequency planning; spectrum rights; and matters pertaining to licensing of various radio-communication equipment.

  • 2.3B: Telecommunications (Radio-communication) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020

    An amendment to PART I of the Schedule under the Telecommunication (Radio-Communication) Regulations, 2013.

  • 2.4: Telecommunications (Exemption from Sections 33,34(1)(b) and 35) Notification, 2018

    A Notification that outlines exemptions to Sections 33, 34(1)(b) and 35 of the Telecommunications Order.

  • 2.5: Telecommunications (Composition of Offences) Regulations, 2019

    The Regulations that provide for compoundable offences under the Telecommunication Order, 2001 and Telecommunication (Radio-Communication) Regulations, 2013.

Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001

  • 3: Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001

    An Order to provide for the transfer of the property, rights and liabilities of the Telecommunications Department to the telecommunication successor company; for the transfer to the telecommunication successor company of the staff of the Telecommunications Department and for matters connected therewith.

  • 3.1: Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001 – Corrigendum at page 1129

    A Corrigendum at page 1129 of the Telecommunication Successor Company Order, 2001.

  • 3.2: Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001 – Notification of commencement dated 1 April 2006 under Section 1 (1)

    A Notification that provides 1 April 2006 as the date on which the Telecommunication Successor Company Order is to commence.

  • 3.3: Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001 – Order of succession dated 1 April 2006 under Section 2

    An Order under Section 2 that provides 1 April 2006 as the succession date for the purposes of section 3 of the Telecommunication Successor Company Order, 2001.

  • 3.4: Telecommunications Successor Company Order, 2001 – Nomination of successor company dated 4 March 2006 under Section 3 (1)(a)

    A Notification that provides for the nominee for the telecommunication successor company.

Broadcasting Act

  • 4: Broadcasting Act

    An Act to regulate dealing in, the operation of and ownership in broadcasting services and broadcasting apparatus, and for connected purposes.

  • 4.1: Broadcasting (Code of Practice) Notification

    A Code of Practice to provide for guidelines to be observed in producing television and radio programmes, including free-to-air broadcasting services.

  • 4.2: Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification, 2001

    A Notification that provides for the authorised and licensable broadcasting services subject to class licence.

  • 4.3: Broadcasting (Compoundable Offence) Regulations, 2001

    Regulations prescribing that the contravention or failure to comply with licensing provisions under Section 23(1) of the Broadcasting Act is a compoundable offence.

  • 4.4: Broadcasting (Exemption) Order, 2000

    An Order that provides for the exemption of owners and operators of a TVRO system who subscribe to KRISTAL-ASTRO Direct-to-Home Satellite Services from obtaining a licence under Broadcasting (TVRO System) Regulations, 2000 and from any licence fees.

  • 4.5: Broadcasting (TVRO System) Regulations, 2000

    Regulations to provide for licensing of TVRO Systems and matters pertaining to the operation of TVRO Systems.

  • 4.6: Broadcasting (Internet Code of Practice) Notification

    A Code of Practice that needs to be complied with by all Internet Service Providers and Internet Content Providers licensed under the Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification, 2001.

Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Order, 2016

  • 5A: Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Order, 2016 (English)

    An Order to provide for the payment into the Consolidated Fund of moneys from the funds of certain statutory corporations.

  • 5B: Perintah Perbadanan Berkanun (Sumbangan Kepada Kumpulanwang Yang Disatukan), 2016 (Malay)

    Suatu Perintah untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi pembayaran ke dalam Kumpulanwang Yang Disatukan wang daripada dana perbadanan berkanun tertentu.

  • 5.1: Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) (Amendment) Order, 2021 (English)

    An Amendment to Section 2 and the Schedule under the Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Order.

Postal Services Act, Chapter 271

  • Postal Services Act, Chapter 271

    An Act to provide for the operation and provision of postal systems and postal services in Brunei Darussalam.

  • Post Office Rules

    The Rules carries out the purposes and objects of the Postal Services Act, Chapter 271 which includes the  imposition and payment of associated fees and charges.

Personal Data Protection Order, 2025

  • Personal Data Protection Order, 2025

    The Personal Data Protection Order, 2025 is a comprehensive legal document which aims to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by private organisations by recognising private organisations' obligations and the rights of the individuals to protect their personal data.

Other Relevant Legislation

  • 6: Computer Misuse Act

    An Act to make provision for securing computer material against unauthorised access or modification and for matters related thereto.

  • 7: Electronic Transactions Act

    An Act to make provision for the security and use of electronic transactions and for connected purposes.